Globalization--How Has it Changed Teaching Strategies?
Cynthia L. Knott & Donna Schaeffer

Marymount University, Arlington, VA


"A billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth.

A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged.

A billion seconds ago, the Beatles changed music.

A billion Coca-Colas ago was yesterday morning."

Robert Goizueta, Late President of Coca-Cola, 2001.

Course Description

Introduces students to the role of information technology in today's global business, political, and government environments, and in society in general. It examines the role of technology globally, particularly as it is used for cultural awareness, business development, political change, and social improvement. The negative aspects of technology (e.g., dumping of end-of-life hardware in developing countries) are also discussed. The course studies infrastructure (hardware and software, networks, the Internet), communications, software and website development, databases, and information security and privacy.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be expected to:
  1. a. Analyze information systems based on the idea that information is a critical resource to the organization that in turn influences the management of other resources;
  2. b. Document the concepts of information within the organization i.e. what questions should be asked to collect information, why and with what priority.
  3. c. Establish how information systems fit within an organization to support its processes and division of work;
  4. d. Explain the essentials of information systems and subsystems in terms of purposes, processes, boundaries, and value;
  5. e. Identify facts or ideas on the importance of advances in technology in the design and development of new information systems;
  6. f. Summarize the role of people in the operation of information systems.
  7. g. Plan how information systems can be developed to accomplish organizational objectives; and
  8. h. Discuss the ethical concerns associated with information systems including security and privacy.

Course Deliverables

Group Project

You are an intern in the International Studies Office at Marymount University. You need to present your proposal for a study-trip to a country of your choice. One person in the group must have been communicating with one or more persons in the county during the semester. Your proposal must include facts, cultural information, photos, and video from the country you select. You can present your proposal as a multi-media PowerPoint presentation or make a video which you upload to the Marymount Channel on YouTube.

(Source: Marymount University)

Video and Discussion

Digital Nation of PBS Frontline, originally aired April 2010:

South Korea's Gaming CrazeSome cautionary lessons from a country where Internet addiction has become a public health crisis.

(Source: Business Week)

Blog Assignment

Does the Internet promote freedom of expression and communication, making it a catalyst for democracy and activism?

Is the net tilted towards Democracy and participatory society?

Meanwhile, do services like Facebook and Twitter encourage virtual and superficial involvement over dedication to the kind of activism that makes a difference?

Does it just take people off the streets, blogging safely in their homes where they no longer threaten repressive regimes?

(Source: Metro UK)